GT MEDIA V8 UHD – DVB S2 satellite receiver (built in wifi support, H.265, DDVB-S/S2/S2X+T/T2/Cable/ATSC-C/ISDBT)

Last firmware for GTMedia V8UHD box :
GTMedia V8 UHD,V206,2020.07.17 | LINK |
GTMedia V8 UHD,V232,2021.10.21 | LINK |
GTMedia V8 UHD,V235,2021.12.20 | LINK |
Please do the following steps before update your recceiver :
1) backup the channel list.
2) export the softcam.key to usb device
3) update the firmware to box by allcode mode
4) update channel list then import softcam.key